Plan miasta Newhay

Newhay - Najnowsze wiadomości:

How Long Second Hand V 7240 Baler? Aa Meetings In Hastings Sussex ...;; ...
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My Third Week of "Vacation" - Scrapbooking is life...the rest is ...

Make supper, help Mike go and pick up our new hay rake. Think about the fact that if I could scrapbook a page about the purchase of the hay rake, it would be more fun than actually doing the paperwork on it. Tuesday - Edna is coming for ...
źródło: BlogSearch

James Hulet Gardiner 1921 - 2007 Full History

There was always a bunch of hungry horses around, anxious to get a free snack of delicious new hay. If they got in the way of the haying crew, chaos resulted. We took the job seriously and gathered stick and stones to keep the horses ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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